28 February 2011

Wuv, Twue Wuv

I'm no expert on love.  But in the past 373 days of marriage, I have learned a lot on the subject, especially in the past few weeks.

Valentine's Day fell on the same day we brought our newborn home from the hospital. And our first anniversary fell just six days later--and we were utterly exhausted and in no condition to celebrate. Plus, our house was littered with flowers and sweets to celebrate Jack's birth, so there was no need to add those sorts of traditional things to our collection.

So instead, we made a date to celebrate our anniversary and Valentine's day in March, and in the meantime we practiced "wuv, twue wuv," as it was so eloquently put it in The Princess Bride.

For us, true love looks like this:
  • Sitting on the couch together, sharing a giant Twix bar
  • Volunteering to change the messy diaper
  • Giving each other a couple extra naps and/or hours of sleep in the morning
  • Reminding one another that our love is for keeps, even when the going gets tough
  • Emptying the dishwasher voluntarily
  • Helping each other make the bed each morning (a much easier task when shared by two people!)
  • Walking the dog when neither of us feels like it

So this is love. Or at least this is our love. What does your love look like?


  1. I love it! So often love is in the little things. Emptying the dishwasher sounds every bit as romantic as red roses!

  2. Ah, nothing gets closer to my heart than my sweet and beautiful wife casually mentioning one of my favorite movies in her blog post. I love you babe. I'll even wash the pots and pans for you on some nights. ;)
