06 December 2019

3 Things That Make Me Happy

1. Christmas cards.
I love checking my mailbox in December. Truth be known, I'm not normally fond of weeding through mail. It tends to pile up on the kitchen counter until I just can't take it anymore, and I spend a couple hours going through it. Usually while watching TV.
But December is different. There is so much mail from family and loved ones. Carefully posed Christmas photos, creatively worded Christmas letters, and thoughtfully chosen Christmas cards. This one, from my cousin, makes me extra happy because ... coffee and cookies. You can never go wrong with that combo.

2. Acknowledgement.
Not everybody is going to think of us as a family of 6. And that's OK. Legally we are a family of 3. At dinnertime there are three plates and three cups on the table. Our minivan only has 3 seats that are typically occupied. And laundry--(let me just say that I pray for all of you with a billion kids living in your home)--is a lot easier as a family unit of 3 rather than a family of 6.
But in our hearts, we are a family of 6. And when that is acknowledged, I smile. It makes the past 7 years feel like it was worth it.

3. And on a lighter note, incorrect test answers. Yes, incorrect test answers make me happy.
My 8-year-old had a test on inventors at school yesterday. He couldn't think of the answer to one of the questions, so he decided to be, well, inventive, and hoped he would get lucky.

Now you may be wondering, as I was, who is Bill Graymon? Jack says he made him up. But why "Bill Graymon"? No reason. Just a name he made up.

I feel like he should have gotten at least 1/2 a point for his creativity!

What has made you happy lately?

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