23 May 2011

Liquid Courage

I've never seen the movie "The Exorcist," but I'm sure it's got nothing on the true accounts of exorcisms in the Bible.

In Acts Chapter 16, Luke tells us that after exorcising a demon from a fortuneteller/slave girl, Paul and Silas were thrown in jail. Why? Because this demon-possessed girl was a money machine for her master. Once the demon left her, she could no longer perform her "magic."

I don't think Paul and Silas set out to ruin a business. They just wanted this girl to be free to serve the one true God. So while they sat behind prison bars, I imagine they were tempted to be discouraged. What did these two friends do? They sang. And sang. And sang some more. 

Friends can be very powerful in our lives. At their best, they encourage us...literally pour courage into us. Paul and Silas gave each other a dose of liquid courage by proclaiming God's promises and protection through song. Their hymns probably recounted God's unchanging attributes, His love, and His compassionate care for His people. 

The Bible says the other prisoners were listening while they sang. I wish I could've seen their faces! Who sings in prison? Who sings when they're in trouble? Who sings when they're backed up against the wall and facing an unknown future? Paul and Silas did, because that's what friends do. They encourage each other, and they remind one another of the Truth.

What do you do when you're in trouble? How do you encourage a friend who's going through a tough time? You may not be able to carry a tune, but you can surely remind your friend—and yourself—of God's amazing grace.

I'm so thankful for friends who pour courage into me.  I hope you have friends like that, too.


  1. You are a friend like that to me! (And you've never complained about my bad singing voice...)

  2. If you can bottle and sell it, you could put Starbucks out of business.
