29 January 2015

It's Beyond Me

When I was a young girl, maybe 8 or 9 years old, my friend invited me to go to the Y with her and her mom.

I didn't know how to swim, but being a tall kid, I usually managed to keep my head above water and had a good time in the pool.

Unfortunately, I wasn't exactly aware of what my height was, because I jumped in the pool at a spot where it was way too deep.

And by "way too deep," I don't mean it was super deep. But it was over my head.

I remember gasping for air, waving my arms frantically, and swallowing a whole lot of water. It was a terrifying, desperate, out-of-control feeling.

To this day I am not a big fan of being underwater.

. . .

I was driving down the road last week, on my way to somewhere I don't remember, and I thought, "Wow...I am so tired. And I've been tired for a while now."

I try to be positive on my blog and in my FB updates about this crazy adventure we're on, but truthfully, it's exhausting. It seems like every day we hear something new from our adoption agency. Great news one day, terrible news the next. Up, down, up, down, up, down. Rollercoasters ain't got nothing on this ride.

Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel. I hate to admit that, but I do. And then I remember the sweet faces of three Ethiopian kids. A brother and two sisters who don't have a mom or a dad. Who don't have a home. Who don't have stability. Who don't have the love of a family.

And so we press on.

This song says it all.


  1. may the prayers of your friends and family hold you up through it all. Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts; so I am helped, and my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

    1. Thank you, Tiffanie. I appreciate you so much!

  2. You and water, reminds me of a camp story......

    1. LOL. Thanks for giving me a good laugh, Shelby. I think that was more of a swampy mud story, but close enough. :)

  3. Hope is hard and wearying. But it's worth it. Hang in there, my friend.

  4. Praying for you. I remember where I was when you told me you were adopting and I remember how proud I was/am of you. Hang in there. Soon you'll be living in your new future taking these kids to the mall and having birthday parties and junk. I can't wait for the pictures of that stuff.

    1. Thanks, Bryon. Your support means a lot to me.
