03 August 2011

The Race

A few years ago I participated in a 5K race. I am not a runner, but I like to pretend I’m one. Plus, competing in a race gives me excellent motivation to exercise beforehand.

Unfortunately, my plan didn’t work out. I failed to get in shape before the race, and I had trouble running the 3-mile course. Truth be known, I walked most of it. But as I neared the finish line, 48 minutes and 30-odd seconds after starting, crowds of runners who had already finished were gathered alongside the track and were cheering for me and the other stragglers.

“You're almost there!” one said. “Keep going! You're almost finished!” another shouted. Their high-fives and encouraging words gave me the strength to finish what I'd started.

Most of these folks didn’t know me; I was just a fellow runner in the race. I started to fight back tears. It reminded me of what heaven will be like, and of the crowd of witnesses who has gone on before me. I imagined them waiting for me, cheering me on to finish the race of life with endurance, and ultimately welcoming me with open arms.

The Bible tells us that because Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, our entrance fee to Heaven has been paid in full. However, how we get there will depend on how we run the race. Some believers will breeze into heaven, like a friend of mine who runs marathons without breaking a sweat. Others will be tired, but will be grateful for the training they endured. Others will pass the pearly gates limping, red-faced, and unable to speak because they'll be so winded. But however one gets to heaven, I'm confident it will be a time of celebration, a wonderful homecoming filled with sweet reunions. 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses… let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT)

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