27 May 2013

Rejuvenating Bath

Let me start by saying that I am not a bath person. The last time I remember taking a bath was in 2003. Lying in water while watching my skin get pruney is not my idea of a good time. Besides, I would need to thoroughly clean and sanitize the tub before I'd consider sitting in it, which is way too much work.

However, after a weekend getaway and lots of time sitting in the car, my body ached. My neck felt like someone had twisted it all the way around, and pain was shooting down my right arm.

I had heard about the power of Epsom salts.Scientists have proven that your body actually soaks up the magnesium in Epsom salts when you bathe in it. So taking a bath in them can soften your skin, detox your system, lessen wrinkles (by regenerating skin cells), relax you, soothe aching muscles, and reduce swelling.

I had experienced the effectiveness of YL Peppermint Essential Oil for muscle soreness as well as Lavender for relaxation. So I decided to try an experiment. And as fate would have it, my wonderful husband had just cleaned the tub after an "incident" with our 2-year-old.  (Trust me, you don't want to know.)

So as I filled the bathtub with water, I added about 1 cup of Epsom salts. (I didn't bring a measuring cup into the bathroom with me--just eyeballed it.)

Then I added about 3-4 drops of Lavender Essential Oil. This made the bathroom smell like a spa...super relaxing.

I read that you are supposed to soak in the Epsom bath for about 15 minutes, so I laid my head back and relaxed. The warm, salty water did feel good on my sore muscles, but the tub is entirely too small for a tall woman. (Note to self: Need bigger tub.)

After what seemed like an eternity, I glanced at the clock. Two minutes had passed! This relaxing/soaking thing was really hard. But my trusty husband came to my rescue once again. My Kindle! I could read in the tub! Perfect. Before I knew it, 15 minutes were up, and I was ready to start the Peppermint phase.

As the water drained from the tub, I took a wet washcloth (I used an old one just in case it got stained) and sprinkled about 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt on it. Then I added 2 drops of Peppermint Oil and gently scrubbed my shoulders and neck. Oh.My.Gosh. Heavenly. The Peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties, and about a minute after hitting your skin, your skin feel really cold. Kinda like an Icy-Hot, but all natural.

I ended this experiment by rinsing off in the shower, patting myself dry with a big fluffy towel, putting on a warm fleece robe, and drinking a glass of water (to continue the detoxification).

Wow. I felt like a new person. I highly recommend this for relaxation and muscle soreness.

Recipe for Bathwater
1 Cup Epsom salt (I used a generic brand; it cost $2.75 for a 1/2 gallon.
3-4 drops Lavender oil

Recipe for Muscle Scrub
1 Tbsp Epsom salts
2 drops Peppermint Oil
Wet washcloth

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