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Dog-tired from their escapades. |
Yesterday morning, our dog Lucy, who is nearly 14 years old, threw up. In my bed.
She ate as much of it as she could before we found it, which was super nice of her except it got stuck in her beard (< Jack hates when I say SHE has a beard, but whatever.) and she smelled like puke all day.
But that was OK, because I had a grooming appointment for both of our dogs in the afternoon.
After the grooming appointment, Coco, our 1.5 year old "puppy," decided to pee on the rug.
The rug that we had just washed the day before. Because she had also peed on it that day.
So the rug went into the wash, along with the puked-on bedding.
Yesterday evening, Coco managed to knock off a coffee cup that was sitting near our couch, that I had failed to put away, and that was still filled with stone-cold half a cup of coffee.
It landed on our couch. And the coffee spilled out.
No big deal. Let me clean the couch, too.
Today, while walking the hellions, I mean dogs, our neighbor's dog bounded out, into the street--narrowly avoiding being hit by a car--and came over to jump on us. Or say hello. Whatever.
I managed to grab the gi-normous German Shepherd mix by the collar, and dragged her, and my two pups, across the street and back to her owner. Of course the leashes got all tangled, I nearly tripped, and meanwhile a line of cars were backed up waiting for me to cross our somewhat-busy street.
Did I mention that I had just showered, so my hair was wet. I had no make up on. I was wearing too-small pants and my husband's over-sized coat, because it was nearest to the door when I left.
My neighbor was extremely grateful to me, and invited me in for coffee. I declined.
So we stood outside and chatted. Unfortunately, she has a lot of ... well, plants I guess you could call them, in her yard. Coco leapt and bounded all over the place, and when I got home, I found sticky burrs in her fur. The fur that had been freshly-washed just yesterday.
Oh, and did I mention that when picking up my dog's poop (I try to be a good neighbor like that), I discovered my bag had a large hole in? Yeah.
So after getting home, I was moving my two laptops (one personal, one work),( because I actually have work to do today in addition to blogging about my Murphy's Law Luck,) and in my haste, I had a freak accident and dropped both computers onto one big toe.
Why does it hurt so dang bad when you drop something on your toe???!!!
Meanwhile, I was thinking about the fact that I have 14 coming for Thanksgiving, and another 15 or so coming on Saturday night. I am super happy to host--I LOVE hosting--and I love being surrounded by family and friends.
I'm also keenly aware that several house projects have not happened in the past year. Walls need to painted. The bathroom sink needs to be replaced, the ceiling has a pressure crack in it. The siding on the house is filthy. Several things have been chewed by bad puppy.
So I sent a disclaimer to the friends I am having over Saturday evening. We have been friends for years. Some as far back as the church nursery when we were infants, some since grade school. I love them to pieces, and I love that I can be honest and let them know that there will be Christmas decorations camouflaging said imperfections, as well as low lighting so our nearly-50-year-old eyes will hopefully not notice them.
And you know what one of these friends said to me? She said, "I have the day off work. Do you want me to come over and paint?"
You guys. These are the friends I have. This friend works like 6 days a week and lives 1/2 hour away. And she offered to come over and paint for me.
And suddenly all the bad luck of the past two days seemed like nothing more than humorous blogging material.
No matter what your week looks like, I hope you have good friends like I have. Because all the money in the world, all the beautifully cared-for homes, all the wealth and money and expensive vacations, will NEVER compare to one good friend. Or 15.
I love you, my friends! Have a blessed week.
And if you have dogs...well...thoughts and prayers.
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