Some of you have asked about the orphanage our kids are at. Yesterday I was able to message some other adoptive parents who have children that were at this orphanage, and they gave me some
reassuring information.
From everything they said, the workers are extremely loving, caring for the children as if they were their own. They said there isn't a ton of "stuff," but the children liked the orphanage better than others.
I was told by one of our workers that both Islam and Christianity (Orthodox) were practiced in this area, so the kids might be exposed to both. However, the other parents I communicated with didn't seem to think their children had received any instruction in Islam.
The town where the orphanage is located is small-ish and laid back, especially when compared with the hustle and bustle of the capital city, Addis Ababa. (Legend has it that the Queen of Sheba came from this area of Ethiopia.) The workers are very welcoming and we were told to expect a coffee ceremony (tradition in Ethio as it's the birthplace of coffee), which takes a few hours!
All of this info on the orphanage is relative, of course, because an orphanage is never an ideal condition in which to live. But...some are better than others, and I'm happy our kids are at one of the better ones.
We continue to prepare for our church's fall festival, where we will be selling more pendants to raise money for FIVE airplane tickets from Ethiopia to Chicago. Here is another sneak peek at some of the original, one-of-a-kind pieces we'll be selling. There's only one of each, so don't get your heart set on anything! :)
This butterfly and winky-smiley face would be so cute on a little girl, wouldn't they?
Love these two pieces below. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I'll never run a marathon, but if you or someone you love has, the 26.2 would be a nice gift. The one on the left is our "African Sun," but it's made on a rectangular pendant. Isn't it beautiful?
Love these for the kiddos in your life. A great stocking stuffer or back-to-school gift. And the one on the far right...perfect for any classic rock fan..
Owls and snowflakes. So pretty!
And if you are a sports fan, these would make great key chains!
Thanks for stopping by today.
Enjoy your weekend! What are your plans? We don't have anything on the calendar...and that makes me super happy. :)
22 August 2014
20 August 2014
I got a message from a teenager at our church. He was ordering two of the Reality Check keychains (4million minus3). A teenager with a part time job. He wanted to do his part in reducing the number of orphans in Ethiopia. And when I delivered them, he gave me a twenty dollar bill and told me to keep the change.
This will sound cheesy, but that order really touched me. He would probably be embarrassed if I mentioned his name, but he knows who he is. Thank you!
Another friend messaged me to say her pendants had arrived, and immediately her daughters put them on and were wearing them around the house.
A friend from my high school and college days donated several hundred dollars for just one pendant. I was stunned.
And a woman I met on the Mom's board on FB ordered two of our "signature" pendants "Splendor."
Two friends bought pendants last minute as birthday gifts for family members, and a family member stocked up on them so she'll have Christmas gifts to give her coworkers.
A young mother who I knew when she was FIVE YEARS OLD (I know, hard to believe I'm that old) not only bought some pendants but is donating hand-made earrings for me to sell!
I wish I could share all the stories. Each and every sale, each and every prayer, is so greatly appreciated. We couldn't do this without you.
The response to these simple pendants has been so overwhelming that we've decided to expand our inventory and sell them at our church's Fall Festival on September 13 in Winfield.
Our local artisan (I love using that word, if you haven't noticed) is providing SEVENTY-FIVE completely unique, one-of-a kind pendants. You guys, they are so amazing. There are different colors, shapes, and themes for whatever your interest is.
Here is a sneak peek at just a few of the many choices that will be available.
Don't you just love the "courage" one? It would be such a lovely gift for someone who is facing a difficult time. It could easily be adapted to a key chain if the person isn't into jewelry. The multi-colored heart would be so sweet on a young girl--perhaps a reminder gift of how proud you are of her.
A few more:
Does anyone else LOVE the bronze/black sunshine? I love how organic and earthy it is. It would look great with a black top.
Here are four more that I am crazy about:
I have a friend who loves the color red. And with her golden brown skin and dark hair, she looks great in it. I chose several red pendants for her to choose from.
And if you are a fan of snow like me, you'll like the beautiful snowflake pendants. This one is in a crisp blue, but I have a few others in other shapes and sizes.
The brown square pendant on the far right...wouldn't it be perfect for a fall outfit? It has autumn written all over it.
We also have a teddy bear, a football, a smiley face, a butterfly, and many, many more.
Please come out to the Fall Festival if you're interested in any of these pendants. There will also be an antique car show, bounce houses, a petting zoo, and pony rides. And food. Delicious food. Because we're Baptist and Baptists like to eat.
And if you'd like to purchase any of the original pendants, we have about 20 of each available. I put in a rush order, and they are ready to be packaged and shipped.
Lastly, if you already received a pendant and it arrived broken, PLEASE let me know. I've only had one report of that so far, but I really want to know so I can do better with the packaging as well as replace the damaged items.
Thanks again! See you at the Fall Festival!
10 August 2014
Deep Breaths...
You guys.
I mean.
I don't even know what to say.
{deep breath}
As of about two minutes ago, we have sold FIFTY-SEVEN pendants. Fifty-seven. In less than 3 days.
Oh me of little faith--I only ordered 75 pieces total. And that was a stretch. Initially I was only going to get 50, but I felt the nudge to get more.
And these have ALL been blog/Facebook sales. Apparently God knows how much I hate looking someone in the eye and asking them to buy something. I haven't even set any aside to sell at the booth we'll have at our church's Fall Festival in a few weeks.
The African Suns are gone. Gone. And four are on back order. I have to call my artist-potterygirl-artisan-friend and see how soon she can make more.
I am in awe. I don't know why...I look at all that God has done already...and yet, I still have moments of doubt.
A little story for you. I was at a thrift store a few weeks ago. It benefits a program for single moms and their kids and is run by a local church. This church is more of the foot-stomping, tongue-speaking, hand-clapping variety than my church (although we do have our moments), and gosh do those women running the shop love Jesus.
Well, when they found out I was shopping for clothes for three chillin's that we're looking to adopt, they gathered around me, layed hands on me, and Prayed. (That's praying with a capital "P," as opposed to the way some folk pray with a little "p," if you know what I mean.)
They prayed for the children, the transition, the resources, the funds to come in. They prayed for our family, our faith, and when they prayed, they believed it.
When the last woman said Amen, Rosemary, the lady I see there now every week, said, "Luann, it's done. Done."
I walked out of that shop lifted up on angel wings. I told Ken about it, but he had yet to go there until yesterday. So yesterday when we stopped by (they are only open on the weekends), Rosemary and another woman, whose daughter is a missionary in Zimbabwe, asked how the adoption was going, and Rosemary encouraged me to show the kids' pictures again. They didn't have to twist my arm.
Then I showed them my necklace and explained how we were selling them to raise money for the kids' airfare.
I must've looked worried about the finances, because Rosemary looked at my like I was crazy. "Girl, did you forget what I told you last time after we prayed?"
No, I hadn't. "I know, Rosemary. It's done. Done."
When Ken and I got back in the car, he said, "Wow! Now I know why you go there. I feel great. That was just the spiritual pep talk we needed!"
THANK YOU, Jesus. Thank you, friends, who have supported us with your purchases and especially with your prayers.
It's not too late to place an order. In case you missed it, below is what we're selling. We're out of stock on the African Suns, but I'm going to order more this week. If you're interested in buying anything, or you want to let us know you're praying, leave us a comment with your email address and I'll send you more info.
like to think of the first design as our signature piece. Measuring
about 1.5" x 1", this rectangular pendant is engraved with the Bible
verse we have prayed for our children. It is perfect for moms, grandmas,
aunts, teachers, or anyone who loves kids. I wore it last night when I
had dinner with some of my high school friends, and one of them noticed
it right away and asked, "Luann, what does your necklace say?" That's
the exact goal: it's a conversation starter. The print is small enough
that it may be difficult to read, but pretty enough to create an
artistic design.
this promise is not just for adopted children, it's for all of us.
Whatever rough patches we've been through, God can redeem those
struggles for good and create something lasting and the
mighty oak tree.
Glazed in a concrete-earthy toned color, this organic piece comes with a black cord that can be adjusted to various lengths. We are selling this item for $15, or you can get two for $25.
African Sun--Currently SOLD OUT
The second piece we're offering is a round, two-sided pendant. On one side is a blazing African sun, and the other side simply says "Shine." I love the simplicity of the message as well as the graphic appeal. Like the previous piece, this pendant comes with an adjustable cord, and it measures about 1.5" in diameter. This necklace looks great with a V-neck shirt as well as a plain shirt that need a bit of pizzazz.
Because each African Sun pendant is individually hand stamped and cut, each piece will be slightly different. The glaze has hints of burnt yellow and dusty blue that reflect whatever color of clothing you're wearing.
We are selling this two-sided pendant for $15 each, or two for $25. If you want to order the African Sun, let me know. It will probably be at least three weeks until we get more in stock.
Roots and Wings
When I was discussing our ideas with Linda, the artist who created these pendants, two of her stamps caught my eye. One was an intricate cherry blossom and the other a gentle dragonfly.
I like the contrast between these two symbols: the beauty of the cherry blossom is only produced when it is connected to the tree, which must have roots that go down deep into the soil...and the dragonfly is made to fly, free and unfettered. These two ideas--having roots (knowing where you came from) and having wings (discovering your uniqueness and purpose)--are essential to life.
This two-sided pendant, measuring 1.5" x 1", comes with an adjustable cord and is available for $15 each, or 2 for $25.
Reality Check
I call our final piece Reality Check because that's exactly what it is. There are more than 4 million orphans in Ethiopia. Four Million. I can't even get my head around that number. But Lord-willing, that number will be lessened by three in a few short months.
By purchasing this piece or any of the pendants, you are making the "minus three" a reality. We can't accomplish this without you, and even if we could, we wouldn't want to. We want our children to be raised and loved by a whole community.
Measuring 1.5" long and less than 0.5" wide, this two-sided piece is the perfect size for a key chain. It is also really cute "doubled-up" with one of the other pendants, in a charm necklace or dog-tag style.
This smaller-sized pendant is selling for $10, or $2 for $15. It comes with a silver link key chain holder.
To purchase one of these items, simply leave me a comment or send me an email indicating the pendant you want and the quantity. This is the perfect time to think ahead for teacher gifts as well as Christmas presents.
After placing your order, I will send you an electronic invoice and you can pay directly to our PayPal account using your debit or credit card. Or, if you prefer, cash is always good.
If you live locally, I will personally deliver your purchases. If you don't live nearby, shipping starts at $1.50 per item.
Thanks for reading, praying, and purchasing!
On behalf of our growing family~
I mean.
I don't even know what to say.
{deep breath}
As of about two minutes ago, we have sold FIFTY-SEVEN pendants. Fifty-seven. In less than 3 days.
Oh me of little faith--I only ordered 75 pieces total. And that was a stretch. Initially I was only going to get 50, but I felt the nudge to get more.
And these have ALL been blog/Facebook sales. Apparently God knows how much I hate looking someone in the eye and asking them to buy something. I haven't even set any aside to sell at the booth we'll have at our church's Fall Festival in a few weeks.
The African Suns are gone. Gone. And four are on back order. I have to call my artist-potterygirl-artisan-friend and see how soon she can make more.
I am in awe. I don't know why...I look at all that God has done already...and yet, I still have moments of doubt.
A little story for you. I was at a thrift store a few weeks ago. It benefits a program for single moms and their kids and is run by a local church. This church is more of the foot-stomping, tongue-speaking, hand-clapping variety than my church (although we do have our moments), and gosh do those women running the shop love Jesus.
Well, when they found out I was shopping for clothes for three chillin's that we're looking to adopt, they gathered around me, layed hands on me, and Prayed. (That's praying with a capital "P," as opposed to the way some folk pray with a little "p," if you know what I mean.)
They prayed for the children, the transition, the resources, the funds to come in. They prayed for our family, our faith, and when they prayed, they believed it.
When the last woman said Amen, Rosemary, the lady I see there now every week, said, "Luann, it's done. Done."
I walked out of that shop lifted up on angel wings. I told Ken about it, but he had yet to go there until yesterday. So yesterday when we stopped by (they are only open on the weekends), Rosemary and another woman, whose daughter is a missionary in Zimbabwe, asked how the adoption was going, and Rosemary encouraged me to show the kids' pictures again. They didn't have to twist my arm.
Then I showed them my necklace and explained how we were selling them to raise money for the kids' airfare.
I must've looked worried about the finances, because Rosemary looked at my like I was crazy. "Girl, did you forget what I told you last time after we prayed?"
No, I hadn't. "I know, Rosemary. It's done. Done."
When Ken and I got back in the car, he said, "Wow! Now I know why you go there. I feel great. That was just the spiritual pep talk we needed!"
THANK YOU, Jesus. Thank you, friends, who have supported us with your purchases and especially with your prayers.
It's not too late to place an order. In case you missed it, below is what we're selling. We're out of stock on the African Suns, but I'm going to order more this week. If you're interested in buying anything, or you want to let us know you're praying, leave us a comment with your email address and I'll send you more info.
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, for the display of His splendor. (Isaiah 61:3)Our adopted children will be uprooted from everything they know and be replanted into our family here in the U.S. Whenever something is replanted, there is a transition time while the plant adjusts to the new soil. Sometimes it looks like the plant won't make it. But once it takes root and is nourished and cared for, it flourishes and grows. That will be our kids...their stories will display His splendor. I am holding onto that promise.

Glazed in a concrete-earthy toned color, this organic piece comes with a black cord that can be adjusted to various lengths. We are selling this item for $15, or you can get two for $25.
African Sun--Currently SOLD OUT
The second piece we're offering is a round, two-sided pendant. On one side is a blazing African sun, and the other side simply says "Shine." I love the simplicity of the message as well as the graphic appeal. Like the previous piece, this pendant comes with an adjustable cord, and it measures about 1.5" in diameter. This necklace looks great with a V-neck shirt as well as a plain shirt that need a bit of pizzazz.
Because each African Sun pendant is individually hand stamped and cut, each piece will be slightly different. The glaze has hints of burnt yellow and dusty blue that reflect whatever color of clothing you're wearing.
We are selling this two-sided pendant for $15 each, or two for $25. If you want to order the African Sun, let me know. It will probably be at least three weeks until we get more in stock.
Roots and Wings
When I was discussing our ideas with Linda, the artist who created these pendants, two of her stamps caught my eye. One was an intricate cherry blossom and the other a gentle dragonfly.
I like the contrast between these two symbols: the beauty of the cherry blossom is only produced when it is connected to the tree, which must have roots that go down deep into the soil...and the dragonfly is made to fly, free and unfettered. These two ideas--having roots (knowing where you came from) and having wings (discovering your uniqueness and purpose)--are essential to life.
This two-sided pendant, measuring 1.5" x 1", comes with an adjustable cord and is available for $15 each, or 2 for $25.
Reality Check
I call our final piece Reality Check because that's exactly what it is. There are more than 4 million orphans in Ethiopia. Four Million. I can't even get my head around that number. But Lord-willing, that number will be lessened by three in a few short months.
By purchasing this piece or any of the pendants, you are making the "minus three" a reality. We can't accomplish this without you, and even if we could, we wouldn't want to. We want our children to be raised and loved by a whole community.
Measuring 1.5" long and less than 0.5" wide, this two-sided piece is the perfect size for a key chain. It is also really cute "doubled-up" with one of the other pendants, in a charm necklace or dog-tag style.
This smaller-sized pendant is selling for $10, or $2 for $15. It comes with a silver link key chain holder.
To purchase one of these items, simply leave me a comment or send me an email indicating the pendant you want and the quantity. This is the perfect time to think ahead for teacher gifts as well as Christmas presents.
After placing your order, I will send you an electronic invoice and you can pay directly to our PayPal account using your debit or credit card. Or, if you prefer, cash is always good.
If you live locally, I will personally deliver your purchases. If you don't live nearby, shipping starts at $1.50 per item.
Thanks for reading, praying, and purchasing!
On behalf of our growing family~
08 August 2014
I am not an adoption advocate...
A friend and I were having coffee last year, and the conversation turned to adoption. She told me she had several friends who had adopted, and then added, "Sometimes I feel guilty. I've never even thought of adopting. Maybe I should."
I know some adoptive parents become very passionate adoption advocates. They feel very strongly about it.
But that's not me.
I believe you have to want to do it. When caring for a child who has gone through trauma, grief, loss, and possible abuse, you have to know you were called to do it.
So I'm not an adoption advocate ... but I am an advocate for doing what God has called you to do. And there are some general things that all Christians are called to do, such as loving your neighbor as yourself, showing kindness, forgiving, and taking care of the less fortunate.
One Bible verse says pure and genuine religion in the sight of God means caring for orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27). How that is accomplished will look different for different folks.
For people like Ken and me, it means to literally take a child (or three) into our home and be their parents. This is what God has called us to do, and while it might get more attention than the person who donates money, it really is no more glamorous nor sacrificial in the eyes of God.
1. First is prayer. If you are a praying person, we would be honored if you would add us to your list. Pray that our children would feel loved and secure while they wait for their forever family. Pray that they would have enough food to eat, medicine to care for their needs, and loving caretakers to give them hugs and kisses and cuddles. Pray they would be ready to accept the love of a family and be able to attach emotionally to us. Pray for us that we would be wise and loving and ready to add three new lives to our family. Pray that God would provide the resources we need to bring these children home.
2. The second things is a bit more concrete. Our adoptions are pretty much paid for, but we still need funds for air travel. Ken and I have to go to Ethiopia twice--once for court and once to pick up the children, and then we'll need three one-way tickets to bring the siblings home. While we were prepared for the cost of one adoption, or possibly two, we never dreamed we'd be adopting three siblings.
In order to raise the money we need for the air travel, we've teamed up with a local artisan to create four artistic designs to sell as a fundraiser. Each piece is hand crafted and completely original.
Our prayer is that friends and family will come alongside us and say, "God put it on my heart to purchase some of these items. I'm not doing this out of guilt. I'm not doing it because you're my friend. I'm doing it because I feel called to do it."
So, if you're interested in purchasing something for yourself or as a gift...and help us raise money to bring D, M and L home, keep reading.
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, for the display of His splendor. (Isaiah 61:3)Our adopted children will be uprooted from everything they know and be replanted into our family here in the U.S. Whenever something is replanted, there is a transition time while the plant adjusts to the new soil. Sometimes it looks like the plant won't make it. But once it takes root and is nourished and cared for, it flourishes and grows. That will be our kids...their stories will display His splendor. I am holding onto that promise.

Glazed in a concrete-earthy toned color, this organic piece comes with a black cord that can be adjusted to various lengths. We are selling this item for $15, or you can get two for $25.
African Sun
The second piece we're offering is a round, two-sided pendant. On one side is a blazing African sun, and the other side simply says "Shine." I love the simplicity of the message as well as the graphic appeal. Like the previous piece, this pendant comes with an adjustable cord, and it measures about 1.5" in diameter. This necklace looks great with a V-neck shirt as well as a plain shirt that need a bit of pizzazz.
Because each African Sun pendant is individually hand stamped and cut, each piece will be slightly different. The glaze has hints of burnt yellow and dusty blue that reflect whatever color of clothing you're wearing.
We are selling this two-sided pendant for $15 each, or two for $25.
Roots and Wings
When I was discussing our ideas with Linda, the artist who created these pendants, two of her stamps caught my eye. One was an intricate cherry blossom and the other a gentle dragonfly.
I like the contrast between these two symbols: the beauty of the cherry blossom is only produced when it is connected to the tree, which must have roots that go down deep into the soil...and the dragonfly is made to fly, free and unfettered. These two ideas--having roots (knowing where you came from) and having wings (discovering your uniqueness and purpose)--are essential to life.
This two-sided pendant, measuring 1.5" x 1", comes with an adjustable cord and is available for $15 each, or 2 for $25.
Reality Check
I call our final piece Reality Check because that's exactly what it is. There are more than 4 million orphans in Ethiopia. Four Million. I can't even get my head around that number. But Lord-willing, that number will be lessened by three in a few short months.
By purchasing this piece or any of the pendants, you are making the "minus three" a reality. We can't accomplish this without you, and even if we could, we wouldn't want to. We want our children to be raised and loved by a whole community.
Measuring 1.5" long and less than 0.5" wide, this two-sided piece is the perfect size for a key chain. It is also really cute "doubled-up" with one of the other pendants, in a charm necklace or dog-tag style.
This smaller-sized pendant is selling for $10, or $2 for $15. It comes with a silver link key chain holder.
To purchase one of these items, simply leave me a comment or send me an email indicating the pendant you want and the quantity. This is the perfect time to think ahead for teacher gifts as well as Christmas presents.
After placing your order, I will send you an electronic invoice and you can pay directly to our PayPal account using your debit or credit card. Or, if you prefer, cash is always good.
If you live locally, I will personally deliver your purchases. If you don't live nearby, shipping starts at $1.50 per item.
Thanks for reading, praying, and purchasing!
On behalf of our growing family~
03 August 2014
I'm Racist, How About You?
noun: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
Based on that definition, I am not a racist. But I'm not sure what else to call myself.
The truth is, I'm not comfortable with how uncomfortable I am around people of certain races.
This admission may make you uncomfortable, especially if you are a friend or a regular reader and you know I'm about to do this.
And this isn't one of those blogs where I drop a bomb (i.e. "I'm a racist!") and then redefine racist in such a light that I'm really not a racist, or in a way that everyone is a racist.
Tonight I went to the gas station. As I pulled up, a white passenger van also pulled up. Ten young black men got out. My inner alert system was in the orange zone.
They started walking up to the various patrons who were pumping gas; they were carrying some sort of boxed candy. As one started to walk my way, my alert system rose to red.
I kindly declined, and the young man politely walked away. I willed myself not to be scared.
But I was.
And it's a devastating thing when you realize, That boy could be my son one day. And people might be afraid of him. Just because he has brown skin.
My kinder readers will justify my fear. You were alone. It was dark out. They were dressed like gang bangers.
And all those things are true. But I was afraid, and I didn't want to be. I am ashamed that I glanced around to see if there were security cameras, just in case they tried something.
This has been a weekend of realizations.
Last night our little family went to our local hot dog place, and there was an interracial couple there with their children. I found myself staring at them. I wondered how they met, how long they'd been together, and what the nature of their relationship was.
I didn't think that about any of the other couples in the restaurant. And it bothered me that I not only noticed but couldn't stop thinking about it. (I'm still thinking about it!)
I know lots of people of different races. Some of my friends have skin colors different from my own. Our child's godparents are an interracial couple. I don't have a problem with it, really. But I wish I didn't notice it so much.
And I wish my boy didn't have to grow up as a black boy in America, because I know the cards are stacked against him.
- 54% of African Americans graduate from high school, compared to more than three quarters of white and Asian students.
- Nationally, African American male students in grades K-12 were nearly 2½ times as likely to be suspended from school in 2000 as white students.
- On average, African American twelfth-grade students read at the same level as white eighth-grade students.
- The twelfth-grade reading scores of African American males were significantly lower than those for men and women across every other racial and ethnic group.
- Only 14% of African American eighth graders score at or above the proficient level. These results reveal that millions of young people cannot understand or evaluate text, provide relevant details, or support inferences about the written documents they read.
- The majority of the 2.3 million people incarcerated in U.S. prisons and jails are people of color, people with mental health issues and drug addiction, people with low levels of educational attainment, and people with a history of unemployment or underemployment.
These statistics make me uncomfortable, and I don't have an answer--either to society's problems or my own internal struggles.
But I do know this: With God's help, I will love my African-American son with all my heart and soul. I will do everything in my power to help him defy the statistics. And I will pray that people judge him on the content of his character and not the color of his skin.
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