I realized something profound (at least to me) last night. Up until now, everything has been in our power. There was a lot of busy work. Doctors' appointments, fingerprinting, forms to fill out, bills to pay, references to obtain, etc. But it was all doable using our own strength, intellect, and resources.

Done, done, and done.
But now we find ourselves in a situation that was completely unforeseen and beyond our control. We don't know the key players. We can't just call up Ethiopia and ask to speak to the decision makers. "Hello, this is Luann calling from the USA. You don't know me, but I heard you might discontinue foreign adoptions and was wondering if you would please allow us to adopt one of your orphans."
It's an interesting spot to be in. From the beginning of this process, we've simply trusted God one step at a time. He never promised us an Ethiopian child. He just made it clear that we were to apply to the agency. And then we were to proceed with the homestudy. And then the dossier. And then the next step, And the next.
Now it's in His hands. So we wait. We rely on the One who is able to speak to those in authority. He put them in authority, and He controls their hearts.
Everyone must submit to governing authorities.
For all authority comes
from God, and those in positions of authority
have been placed there by
God. Romans 13:1
The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the Lord;
he guides it wherever he pleases. Proverbs 21:1
So if and when a child is placed in our home, we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it had nothing to do with us. All glory will go to God.
Fitting, since He is the author of adoption.
God decided in advance to
adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus
Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. Ephesians 1:5
Thanks for all your prayers and kind words.
Please continue to pray for the children in Ethiopia who don't have moms and dads...yet.
We appreciate each and every one of you.
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