So once again this year, I have plumbed the depths of my innerPinterest and have come up with a few projects to share with you.

For Valentines, I've decorated it with little paper hearts on card stock. Some of the hearts have heart-shaped photos of our family. The 3-D pink hearts are from Dollar Tree. They were on long sticks which I broke in half, then twisted the branches of the tree around them.
Next up: V-Day Bunting. You guys, I am crazy about bunting. Partly because I have have the perfect wide door frame to hang it, and partly b/c it is so sweet and easy to make.
For the love of all things good and right, I can't find the original post I got this bunting pattern from. But I know it was on this website:
I enlarged their bunting to fit my space, but the artwork is all theirs.
Ok, and now we're on to Valentines for Jack's preschool class. Rest assured, when we have 3 additional children, I am confident I will buy the boxed variety like every other busy mom. But really, these were pretty quick to make. And we only had to make 16.
I got this idea from FiveHomeHearts and actually borrowed several of her elements. I had to change the shape of the card because the bubbles I bought were a different shape than hers. (Hers were long and thin bottles; mine were short and squatty.) I also thought it would be fun to add some heart-shaped bubbles coming out of the word "Blow."
I got these bubbles, which were 12 to a pack, for a couple bucks at Walmart.
Because the bubbles came in neon colors, I decided to go with this theme. I like this bold look for Valentines from a little boy. They seem more playful and less dainty/girly.
I started with 8.5 x 11" cardstock and printed two images per page.
I cut the paper in half and punched holes (using a pin and a pen b/c I
can't find my hole punch) for the string that would hold the bubbles.Then we threaded some red yarn through the holds, tied it around the bubbles, and folded the sides to make a built-in envelope.
Clear tape and stickers keep the valentine closed.
Lots and lots of stickers.
Here is the template I used, in case you feel inspired. I took out my son's name, but if you want to add your own child's name, the "HeartlandRegular" font is a really fun one to use. Download it for free here.
So there you have it friends. Pinterest extravaganza at our house.
Wishing you a love-filled weekend!